Shredded Neem Bark Recipes
Shredded neem bark can be chewed, used to make a tea or made into a powder (see Neem Bark powder recipes)
In the Indian tradition, Neem Bark has three main uses:
- the bark and twigs are chewed to maintain oral health,
- It is used for heartburn and indigestion as it reduces gastric acid secretion and prevents oxidative damage to the stomach lining.
- It has traditional use as an analgesic or painkiller, for joint pain and carpal tunnel syndrome
To use for chewing: soak a few strands overnight in cold water. Chew for 5 minutes in the morning and spit.
Boil a pinch of shredded bark in water for 10 minutes to make a tea. This can be used as a gargle, mouthwash or as a tea.
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